Energetic Medicine

Autism, Autoimmunity, Back/Neck/Joint Pain, Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia, Digestive Disorders, Energetic Medicine, Infections, Intro

Clinical study demonstrates the efficacy of biomagnetism procedures in the diagnosis and treatment of infection.

According to colleagues from Mexico, biomagnetism is as well known as acupuncture is down there. The developer of the biomagnetic pair technique, Dr. David Goiz Duran, MD, has been spreading his system throughout the world. This video demonstrates the efficacy of using the biomagnetism system to diagnose and treat infections as measured by live blood cell analysis.

Allergies, Autism, Autoimmunity, Back/Neck/Joint Pain, Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia, Energetic Medicine, Intro

Magnets shown to potentiate antibiotic efficacy by 80%, study says.

One of my preferred healing tools that I utilize in my office is biomagnetism,which involves strategic placement of both north and south poles on key areas of the body in an effort to support the body’s innate function and response to infections. Clinically speaking, the results can often times be dramatic, and while this study suggests an effect on bacteria, my personal experience is that when using magnets in the biomagnetic pair manner, the effects on viruses appears to be even more dramatic.

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