Energetic Medicine

Parasites: The epidemic that is here now.

Monsters inside you In terms of numbers of people killed or harmed by a pathogen throughout the world, parasitic infections are arguably at the top of the list.  While many people, including health practitioners, tend to only think of parasites when a patient complains of persistent gastrointestinal complaints, the reality is that often times the parasites produce no […]

Parasites: The epidemic that is here now. Read More »

Clinical study demonstrates the efficacy of biomagnetism procedures in the diagnosis and treatment of infection.

According to colleagues from Mexico, biomagnetism is as well known as acupuncture is down there.  The developer of the biomagnetic pair technique, Dr. David Goiz Duran, MD, has been spreading his system throughout the world.  This video demonstrates the efficacy of using the biomagnetism system to diagnose and treat infections as measured by live blood cell analysis. 

Clinical study demonstrates the efficacy of biomagnetism procedures in the diagnosis and treatment of infection. Read More »

Magnets shown to potentiate antibiotic efficacy by 80%, study says.

One of my preferred healing tools that I utilize in my office is biomagnetism,which involves strategic placement of both north and south poles on key areas of the body in an effort to support the body’s innate function and response to infections.  Clinically speaking, the results can often times be dramatic, and while this study

Magnets shown to potentiate antibiotic efficacy by 80%, study says. Read More »

Neuromodulation Technique demonstrated as an effective treatment for autism, new study says.

We are pleased to announce that the study on autism conducted by Dr. Robert Weiner, PhD – “Intention-Based Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorder: Promising Results of a Wait-List Control Study in Children”, has finally been published. The paper was featured in the January 2014 issue of Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. Download full study

Neuromodulation Technique demonstrated as an effective treatment for autism, new study says. Read More »