Monsanto: Explaining the Autism/Parasite Connection

If you were to do research into alternative therapies that appear to be providing clear results to the autistic community, you’d be hard pressed to find anything as impressive as the results that people are finding in using a protocol that Kerri Rivera has put together.  Kerri Rivera is the author of “Healing the Symptoms […]

Monsanto: Explaining the Autism/Parasite Connection Read More »

How Monsanto is Destroying the Brains and Health of Everyone.

Interested in slowing your aging process?  Take note! One of my most recent blog entries(1) summarized roughly 10 years of research related to the consequences of inflammatory processes in the periphery of the body, such as the gut, and how this was driving brain degenerative inflammatory processes within the brain. One of the key findings

How Monsanto is Destroying the Brains and Health of Everyone. Read More »

Study Shows Vaccines Increase the Rate of Death in Infancy

The prime argument that proponents of vaccination use it that mass vaccination prevents disease, and those who oppose vaccination are often portrayed as “unscientific” and, even worse, “unfit” to be parents by the mainstream media.  Despite the many requests over the years for the CDC to perform a large scale study comparing the health status

Study Shows Vaccines Increase the Rate of Death in Infancy Read More »

Immunologist Admits Babies Only Vaccinated to ‘Train Parents’

A PhD immunologist and vaccine proponent admitted during a conference involving health professionals that babies are only given shots up to age one in order to ‘train the parents’ to get their children into the medical system and that the vaccines are completely worthless.’

Immunologist Admits Babies Only Vaccinated to ‘Train Parents’ Read More »

How low grade infections fuel brain degeneration,depression, alzheimers, and more.

If you’ve worked with me before, you know that I emphasize the need for good gut health if somebody is ever to truly be well.  Chronic low grade infections which exist in all forms of chronic illness, particularly when it comes to the gut, are commonly overlooked or under-diagnosed in the general population.  One of

How low grade infections fuel brain degeneration,depression, alzheimers, and more. Read More »

Ebola: Strategies for Readiness

A number of people have been asking me for my opinion on the Ebola situation, so if you’re wondering what I think, here it is… First of all, whenever the mainstream media gets all riled up in a frenzy over a particular issue, particularly when it’s disease related, call me a cynic, but I look

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The debate is over: The MMR vaccine can cause Autism, and the CDC is engaged in a criminal conspiracy to cover up this fact.

For years, proponents of vaccines have claimed that there was no evidence showing a direct link between vaccines and autism, despite the mountain of evidence which contradicted their claims.(1)  The proponents of vaccines would cite studies published in the Journal of Pediatrics which appeared to refute any link between vaccines and autism, and even more

The debate is over: The MMR vaccine can cause Autism, and the CDC is engaged in a criminal conspiracy to cover up this fact. Read More »

Is Marijuana a Legitimate Cure for Cancer?

The following is a review of a number of medical studies on the effects and influence of cannabinoids as it relates to cancer, published May 19th, 2014 in the scientific journal “Oncotarget”.  From this review alone, and not taking into account the 1000’s of “anecdotal” reports of cancer being cured through the use of cannabis oil you

Is Marijuana a Legitimate Cure for Cancer? Read More »

Third Party Testing Results for Gravity Based Water Filters.

(NaturalNews) Because so many Natural News readers have asked about the status of our water filter laboratory testing, I’m posting this update. I’ve completed ICP-MS testing of the heavy metals removal capabilities of several popular gravity water filters including Big Berkey, ProPur, Doulton, Zen Water Systems and others. The results are all over the map.

Third Party Testing Results for Gravity Based Water Filters. Read More »

Cannabinoids: The other vitamin “C”?

Throughout the nation, one of the hottest social and political discussions right now is whether or not we should legalize marijuana.  I believe that when examining what is known about the utility and the importance of the marijuana plant, specifically as it relates to health, it becomes clear what a grave mistake it is to

Cannabinoids: The other vitamin “C”? Read More »