
Largest Measles Outbreak in North America Hit Quebec in 2011, where ~ 97% were “Fully Vaccinated”.

Don’t expect to hear the mainstream media discussing this, as it exposes the failure of the vaccination policy that they love to support.  Certainly, they never like to talk about how measles was disappearing prior to the introduction of the vaccine, nor do they like to discuss how the public perception of measles was prior to the […]

Largest Measles Outbreak in North America Hit Quebec in 2011, where ~ 97% were “Fully Vaccinated”. Read More »

The Subversion of Medicine and Public Health by International Security Prerogatives

Galalae KM (2015) The Subversion of Medicine and Public Health by International Security Prerogatives. Epidemiology (sunnyvale) 5:208. doi:10.4172/2161-1165.1000208 “Medicine and public health are compromised by the highest echelons of science, industry and public administration for the geopolitical objectives of international cohabitation, preservation of resources, environmental conservation and decarbonization, all of which hinge on depopulation. Under

The Subversion of Medicine and Public Health by International Security Prerogatives Read More »

Inflammatory Disease Epidemic: The Convergence Point of EMF, GMOs, and Vaccines.

The US spends more per capita on healthcare than any other nation on the planet(R), at over $1 Trillion/year with costs growing.   Over 3/4 of those costs are related to the treatment of chronic disease, such as autoimmune disorders, cancer, diabetes, alzheimers, autism, cadiovascular disease, etc.(R)  The rates of all such diseases are growing, not

Inflammatory Disease Epidemic: The Convergence Point of EMF, GMOs, and Vaccines. Read More »

Does Long Term Melatonin Supplementation Suppress Your Own Production?

Prolonged-release melatonin for insomnia – an open-label long-term study of efficacy, safety, and withdrawal The Clinique Lyon-Lumière, Meyzieu, France. Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management (Impact Factor: 1.47). 07/2011; 7:301-11. DOI: 10.2147/TCRM.S23036 Source: PubMed ABSTRACT Prolonged-release melatonin (PRM) 2 mg is indicated for insomnia in patients aged 55 years and older. A recent double-blind placebo-controlled study demonstrated 6-month efficacy and safety

Does Long Term Melatonin Supplementation Suppress Your Own Production? Read More »

VERY IMPORTANT! Yet another research scientist comes forward describing the links between vaccines and chronic illness, including autism.

Around August 2014, information came out revealing that a whistleblower had proof that the CDC was actively cooking data to conceal the link between the MMR vaccine and autism.  This ongoing story continues to be one of the most censored and important health stories today.  I originally reported on this subject here. Now, we have another whistleblower on

VERY IMPORTANT! Yet another research scientist comes forward describing the links between vaccines and chronic illness, including autism. Read More »

Mandatory Vaccines for Californians: A Prelude To Mandatory Vaccines for ALL Americans

Those who value freedom of choice and the right of self determination were dealt a major setback in California recently with the passage SB277, which awaits Governor Jerry Brown’s signature for passage.  Governor Brown is expected to sign it, despite heavy opposition.  SB 277 is a law that removes personal and religious exemptions from those who

Mandatory Vaccines for Californians: A Prelude To Mandatory Vaccines for ALL Americans Read More »

Rope Worm: Are Millions of People Suffering from a Parasitic Infection Unrecognized by the World of Parasitology?

Caution:  Do not read this while eating a meal.  Doing so may be hazardous to your digestion.  In previous posts, I have discussed the problem of parasites.  The key points I have raised relate to the overall imprecision of standardized parasitic testing, where research suggests that under the best of conditions seasoned parasitologists could only accurately identify relatively

Rope Worm: Are Millions of People Suffering from a Parasitic Infection Unrecognized by the World of Parasitology? Read More »