Why isn’t the mainstream media reporting the revelations of this major governmental whistleblower?

“The lack of major news media coverage of possibly the biggest government whistleblower revelation since disclosure of the Tuskegee Experiment in 1972 [InfoPlease.com] suggests more than fraud at the highest levels of the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) as well as major vaccine makers, it suggests the nation’s news agencies are complicit in portraying a government view that there is no link between vaccination and the unexplained rise of autism.

Only alternative news sources are covering the story so far which broke on August 8 when a Brian S Hooker, a Simpson University researcher published a report in the journal Translational Neurodegeneration that the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine was shown to increase the risk for autism 3.4 times among young black boys.

Dr. Hooker suggests the vulnerability of young African American boys to autism from vaccinations may result from their low vitamin D levels given their dark skin pigmentation. The prevalence of autism in African Americans is nearly 25% higher than that of whites.”

Read more @www.lewrockwell.com

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