Mumps Outbreak Amongst Those Vaccinated Against Mumps At Fordham University

(Dr. Buckley’s note:  If this would have occurred against the unvaccinated, it would have been national news.  Outbreaks among the vaccinated occur far more frequently than you are led to believe by the mainstream media.)

Friday, February 21, 2014

NEW YORK (WABC) — The outbreak of the mumps at Fordham University has spread from one campus to another.

There are now 13 reported cases, 12 at the Rose Hill campus in the Bronx and one at the Lincoln Center campus in Manhattan.

The symptoms are similar to the flu, but the virus can also cause painful swelling.

All of the infected patients had the mumps vaccine, but doctors say it’s not 100 percent effective.

Infected students have been either isolated or sent home.

– UHS saw 1 case in January, 4 cases on Feb. 18; 3 cases on Feb. 19 and 5 cases on Feb. 20.

– All the students with suspected mumps infections have either returned home or have been isolated from other residents during the infectious phase of the illness.

– All Fordham students are required to have full vaccinations before attending the University, including the vaccination for mumps, measles, and rubella (MMR).

– All of the students who were tentatively diagnosed with mumps had been vaccinated. Vaccinations do not offer 100 percent protection, however, vaccination is still strongly recommended.

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