Digestive Disorders

Quick view: 

1)  The foundation of virtually every chronic illness is found within the gut.

2)  Poor diet, use of antibiotics, water impurities, and ant-acids set the stage for chronic digestive problems.

3)  Conventional testing for many food sensitivities and the presence of pathogens leave a lot to be desired in terms of sensitivity.

4)  Biofilms of bacteria and yeast/fungus can be the reason for persistent infections and chronic illness.

5)  Five steps to correct most digestive disorders.

In depth: 

When it comes to health maintenance and disease prevention, nothing stands out quite like the digestive system.  In fact, Hippocrates, the father of medicine stated that “All diseases begin in the gut.”   If you read my writings about other health topics you’ll quickly see how the common thread of gut imbalances weaves through virtually every chronic health complaint.

Bloating, indigestion, “GERD”, constipation, abdominal pain, and loose stools are all warning lights that the immune system is off, as the gut accounts for around 70% of the immune system.  If you’re dealing with any chronic illness, this one area must be addressed if you’re ever to make the illness a thing of the past.

Through the widespread overuse of antibiotics for illness, the conventionally raised animal meats tainted with antibiotics, preservatives in food, chlorinated water,  over-consumption of grains and sugar has disrupted the microbial balance between healthy and pathogenic microorganisms living within the bodies of millions of American’s.  The reason why American’s enjoy the sickest nation in the world and spend more money on healthcare than any other nation is found right here.

The misdiagnosis and maltreatment of many digestive problems centers around the failure to properly identify the multiple variables affecting many digestive complaints.  For example, many digestive problems will include food sensitivities that do not show up as allergens using conventional testing.  Likewise, the sensitivity in identifying low grade, problematic infections throughout the body and the gut leaves a lot to be desired.  Parasites, viruses, and yeast/fungal infections are often missed with conventional testing.  For this reason, relying upon a test which did not identify any pathogens (bacteria, yeast, fungus, mold, parasites, viruses) in the gut, certainly does not mean there aren’t pathogens present (1)(2)(3)(4).   If you’re one of those who have been told “no food allergies or infections are present”, it’s wise to view that diagnosis with skepticism if there are persistent digestive problems.

Intestinal flora imbalances are referred to as “dysbiosis”, or the overgrowth of pathogenic microorganisms.  The longer a dysbiotic state occurs in the body the greater likelihood that other problems, particularly immune related problems will manifest.  Allergies, autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue, fibromyaligia, IBS, “spastic colon”, etc.  typically are expressions of some level of dysbiosis.

In my view, all of those illnesses are merely names given to symptoms of problems with poor diagnostic understanding and typically even worse treatment methods within the healthcare community.

One of the reasons why certain bacterial or yeast/fungal infections will persist even after rounds of antibiotics or antifungals is due to the formation of “biofilms” which are protective membranes that the pathogens will create as a defense to hostile environments (such as antibiotics/antifungals).  The microbes will remain in the biofilm state until the antimicrobial is stopped.  The more conducive the diet (sugar/grains) and lifestyle is to the existence of the pathogen, the more rapidly the active infection returns.   Using substances (enzymes, chitosan) that break down biofilm mechanically are required for many problematic chronic infections (5)(6).

Biofilms appear to form over tissues weakened by toxins, particularly heavy metals.  Therefore, it is necessary to not only destroy the biofilm, but to mop up the toxins which created an environment favorable for the pathogen to grow in the first place.  Bentonite clay, charcoal, and similar binding/chelating agents can be very useful in this regard.

Correcting chronic digestive system problems involves the following: 

1)  Correcting the diet.  Eliminate sugar, alcohol (which converts into sugar), refined carbohydrates, grains (all at least temporarily), and other identified problem foods.

2)  Restore proper acid/alkaline balance in gut.  Most digestive problems are NOT due to excessive acid, but a LACK of adequate amounts of acid.

3)  Eliminate the pathogens.  Combining specific probiotics with specific antimicrobials (garlic, oregano, berberine, noni, artemesia) as revealed through bioenergetic testing can eliminate most chronic digestive problems.  Biomagnetism and Neuromodulation Technique can aid in this process greatly.

4)  Detox biofilms if necessary.

5)  Repair the gut.  The use of aloe, L-glutamine, and N.Acetyl Glucosamine can provide the body with the raw materials to help repair damaged intestines.

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