Good Health Isn’t An Accident!

Rev. Dr. Matthew Buckley PSc.D., CTH’s

Kinsei, is a Private Member Association, and serves as the office of Rev. Dr. Matthew Buckley, PSc.D., CTH. located in Austin, Texas. For over 22 years, Dr. Buckley has maintained a clinic in Austin, Texas serving people across the world via bio-energetic based holistic services for restoring and maintaining their youth. From infants to elderly, non-toxic and non-invasive modalities have helped those in need when their bodies were breaking down, as well as keeping performance at a top level.

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Featured Articles


Lack of sensitivity in allergy testing can result in failure to identify problem foods and other irritants.

Damage to the gut and lung lining set the stage for allergy problems.

Digestive Disorders

The foundation of virtually every chronic illness is found within the gut.

Poor diet, use of antibiotics, water impurities, and ant-acids set the stage for chronic digestive problems.

Back/Neck/Joint Pain

Impaired communication between brain and body tissues leads to dysfunction in organs, tissues, and joints.   This impairment commonly occurs in the spine, where misalignments in the spine interfere with neurological impulses in the nerves traversing the spine.


Dr. Buckley has supported many in their quest to overcome the following:

Through diet, customized nutritional programs, functional lab work (using optimal values as opposed to lab normals), and advanced assessment techniques, solutions to complex problems can be obtained.

Don’t waste another day wondering why your body is breaking down, and if there is hope for you. Dr. Buckley provides 15 minute complimentary phone consultations to see if the fit is right between himself and the potential client/member.  Details about membership can be found here.

The most comprehensive nutrition and health program in the Austin area

What They Say

“Dr. Buckley is an incredibly talented healer and I wouldn’t be alive and well and able to function as I am today without his help. I originally came to Dr. Buckley’s office very sick and unable to do much of anything–my day-to-day functioning was often a struggle and it was difficult for me to work and stick to a schedule due to my constant illness. Dr. Buckley is the only doctor who was able to help me turn my health around. Today, I’m typically very healthy and able to enjoy normal activities and even work full time and I owe it all to him. Thank you Dr. Buckley, you’ve seriously changed my life in more ways than one–I’m incredibly grateful to you for everything you’ve done for me, my husband and our pets as well! ”
“The highly measurable effectiveness of Dr. Buckley’s mind-body healing techniques coupled with his professional specializations will amaze you. His techniques have been my body’s greatest aid in recovering from highly toxic and intrusive conventional cancer treatments. With his guidance and support, I have not only lost 27 pounds but also gained a true sense of well-being. His incredible ability to detect the body’s physical ailments, nutritional deficits and emotional imbalances provide the insight necessary in achieving total health. He has more than exceeded all of my expectations. ”
“When I first came to Dr. Buckley I was having many problems with my health. With his expertise, and following his instructions, I have improved in every area. I no longer have acid reflux attacks at night, no more swollen ankles, and as for my breathing problems, I have no shortness of breath to contend with. There has been a maintained ten-pound weight loss because of his admonitions on many “junk foods” in my diet. I eat healthier and I feel healthier. Through him, I have had a second lease on life and I thank him so much for the care and concern he always shows me each visit. He is up to the challenge of helping his patients, both physically and mentally, by making it clear by explaining everything as he goes along.”